Monday, 27 March 2017

1964 Cambridge Bumps Races - Third Division Teams

Below are the team members who were expected to row in the Bumps Races on Wednesday 29 July 1964. The Bumps ran over four evenings, these were the teams from the second evening.  The Third Division's races went first, starting at 6.45pm.

There was a different programme printed for each evening's events.

Pye II: Light Blue, Dark Blue, Old Gold

Bow: WHM Gough
2 EJ Wills
3 P Matthews
4 BD Cox
5 G Wehbeh
6 J Plautus
7 M Allen
Stroke: CF Hibbs (Colin Francis Hibbs, 1932-2011)
Cox: J Railton
Coach: ELD Goodwin

Rob Roy IV: Maroon & White

Bow: RH Wootton
2 R Pattern
3 TA Smith
4 D Kienan
5 B Ellis
6 T Kent
7 O Patman
Stroke: D Wheeler
Cox: R Mansfield
Coach: A Humberstone

Cantabrigian III: Dark Blue & Silver

Bow: R Payton
2 BLA Carter
3 DA Bailey
4 J Waller
5 DN Clark
6 N Smith
7 D Nunn
Stroke: R Bailey
Cox: D Falconer

Pye III: Light Blue, Dark Blue, Old Gold

Bow: F Marshall
2 F Bilimoria
3 PW Lee
4 P Johnson
5 MHE Ward
6 FA Burke
7 RH Sheppard
Stroke:  M Hutchinson
Cox: F Weissenberg
Coach: J Walker

ACUA III: Light Blue, Dark Blue & Gold

Bow: P Phizackerley
2 JT Holmes
3 G Stubbings
4 R Pilsworth
5 R Rickard
6 D Parker
7 J Hobbs
Stroke:  C Bond
Cox: N Foreman
Coaches: L Saggers

The Leys School III: Light Blue, Dark Blue and Red

Bow: GP Lawrence
2 C Horwill
3 AJ Bates
4 PG Whitworth
5 JD Marnham
6 CK Wargreaves
7 AW Darby
Stroke:  DB Townshend
Cox: LW Judd
Coach: RD Armstrong

City V: Dark Blue, Claret & Old Gold

Bow: RJ Isherwood
2 D Dew-Hughes
3 SB Sri Skanda Rajah
4 CT Dennisford
5 AG Moss
6 JB Griffiths
7 A Pearse
Stroke:  GR Smith
Cox: AM Campbell
Coaches: D Dew-Hughes (Churchill BC & CCRC)

Rob Roy V: Maroon & White

Bow: D Dale
2 J Hawke
3 K Baker
4 E Dobien
5 E Mansfield
6 R Pope
7 A Taylor
Stroke:  N Pope
Cox: PR Todd
Coach: S Mersh

1964 Cambridge Bumps Races - Second Division Teams

The programme I have for the 1964 Cambridge Rowing Association Bumps Races is for the second night of four.  The whole Bumps Races duration was Tuesday 28 July to Friday 31 July 1964.  This programme is for Wednesday 29 July 1964.

The Third Division raced first, starting at 6.45pm; the Second Division start time was 7.30pm and the First Division race started at 8.15pm.

Second Division 7.30pm

Bridge: Purple & White

Bow: R Church
2 M Kennedy
3 O Marks
4 D Hills
5 M Victory
6 P Lacey
7 J Metcalfe
Stroke: L Belcher
Cox: R Nightingale
Coaches: GD Bayly-Jones, R Tibbet

Cantabrigian II: Dark Blue & Silver 

Bow: KW Ryder
2 D Collins
3 RW Tydeman
4 HL Bentley
5 LJ Clark
6 CR Highmore
7 CM Lewis
Stroke: NWB Tyrer
Cox: R Brocks
Coach: D Parr

Cambs High School I: Navy Blue 

Bow: T Hones
2 D Mann
3 C Hale
4 J Flavell
5 K McCargow
6 M Talbot
7 I McGregor
Stroke: R Page
Cox: S Clark
Coaches: M Mottaz, H Jackson

Rob Roy III: Maroon & White

Bow: MA Carson
2 BCR Certram
3 J Cutts
4 KE Hawton
5 PRE Baird
6 PR Garner
7 JD Whitman
Stroke: RN Doidge-Harrison
Cox: L Ingran
Coach: JFV Vincent

ACUA II: Light Blue, Dark Blue & Gold

Bow: M Mannford Dobell
2 MA Matovich
3 CJD Fell
4 D Glass
5 GE Fortescue
6 JL Buzzard
7 GA Lefroy
Stroke: CT Everitt
Cox: C Snowden

Scouts III: Green & Yellow

Bow: I Stewart
2 I Cooper
3 B Chaimberlain
4 D Griffin
5 R Secker
6 S Pullen
7 P Holmes
Stroke: D West
Cox: R Maltby
Coaches: S Elwood, L Horspool

Beehives: Chocolate & Light Blue

Bow: P Langley
2 M Smith
3 A Wilson
4 P Allington
6 D Warwick
5 K Smart
7 E Rawlinson
Stroke: K Gordon
Cox: P Welsh
Coaches: W Cash, J Frost, D Williams

Grammar School: Maroon & Light Blue

Bow: J Secker
2 JW Merryweather
3 PR Lloyd
4 S Brylewski
5 CJ Nettle
6 MR Trace
7 K Dench
Stroke: GN Batchelor
Cox: HJ Fielder
Coach: M Marshall

Grammar School Old Boys: Claret & Light Blue

Bow: DS Levitt
2 RS Henderson
3 WJ Nightingale
4 DJ Barber
5 RA Woolfenden
6 MS Sanderson
7 MJ Wheatley
Stroke: P Burr
Cox: GR Parr
Coaches: WA Bradford, KW Townsend

'99 IV: Light Blue, Old Gold, Green

Bow: M Blakemore
2 A Robinson
3 B Blackwall
4 B Cowe
5 A Sutton
6 S Mills
7 R Connolly
Stroke: J Woodbridge
Cox: S Taylor

The Leys School II: Light Blue, Dark Blue & Red

Bow: JCN Wilson
2 HJ Moore
3 PJ Mayne
4 DR Perks
5 DGS Combe
6 JS Lowden
7 JV Whitaker
Stroke: PG Townshend
Cox: SW Rogers
Coaches: LGD Baker, JV Whitaker

'99 V: Light Blue, Old Gold, Green

Bow: R Sharpe
2 R Jeffreys
3 M Brown
4 J Jeffreys
5 J Thompson
6 C Atkins
7 P Durler
Stroke: WTI Hunt
Cox: R Pammenter
Coaches: MT Cooke ('99 RC)

City IV: Dark Blue, Claret & Old Gold

Bow: MA Thew
2 T Holland
3 PR Boulind
4 R Dembitzer
5 RA Leigh
6 AP Christopher
7 MS Bruce
Stroke: TD Edwards
Cox: JR Ironside Wood
Coaches: B Dembitzer (1st & 3rd Trin BC & CCRC)

Scouts IV: Green & Yellow

Bow: J Baugh
2 C Lockwood
3 W Holburn
4 J Sills
5 D Laugshaw
6 N Pearse
7 J Morrison
Stroke: N Swanton
Cox: J Walters

1964 Cambridge Bumps Races - First Division Teams

The programme I have for the 1964 Cambridge Rowing Association Bumps Races is for the second night of four.  The whole Bumps Races duration was Tuesday 28 July to Friday 31 July 1964.  This programme is for Wednesday 29 July 1964.

The programme lists the race start times, the teams, team colours and who was expected to row in each boat. I'll be typing up the lists of teams and participants, division by division - there being three divisions.  From a genealogy perspective, it's a shame there are only initials - but if somebody is specifically seeking a relative they knew was in Cambridge in the 1960s and knew "did some rowing" then they might spot their names here!

The Third Division raced first, starting at 6.45pm; the Second Division start time was 7.30pm and the First Division race started at 8.15pm.

Simple Guide to Rowing

If you know nothing about rowing, then here is my Simple Guide to Rowing:  There are 8 men in the boat, which is why they're often called Eights.  The rowers have their backs to where they're going - only the Cox can see.  The Cox doesn't row - he sits and shouts at the rowers.  Facing the Cox is the Stroke - the stroke sets the pace for the rest.  The bow is the chap furthest from the Cox - he holds bits of string and does the steering.  Coaches will often be found running/cycling along the riverbank path frantically shouting out their instructions to their teams.

Right, that's it - you now know as much as I know about rowing :)

First Division 8.15pm

City I:  Dark Blue, Claret and Old Gold

Bow: AEM Harmer
2 AH Cripps
3 AFP Newns
4 TDD Hoffman
5 SCA Hilton
6 AJ Godfrey
7 IE Hunter
Stroke: JR Postill
Cox: PT Beaumont
Coaches: Dr DM Jennens (CUBC & CCRC), LM Harvey (CCRC), BG Lucas (CCRC)

'99 I:  Light Blue, Old Gold, Green

Bow: W King
2 G Thomas
3 D Woodbridge
4 A Swain
5 M Mills
6 M Pleasants
7 M Gray
Stroke: A Dorcey
Cox: J Stonebridge
Coach: G Clemence ('99 RC & Royal Chester RC)

City II:  Dark Blue, Claret and Old Gold

Bow: WR Tyson
2 JD Boyd
3 B Yates
4 J Connot
5 MJ Bomford
6 MA Upton
7 RA Ploc
Stroke: JR Griffiths
Cox: GW Bibby
Coaches: Ref Prof JM Plumley (Selwyn BC & CCRC), Dr BW Cherry (Churchill BC & CCRC)

Rob Roy 1:  Maroon & White

Bow: RM Leeds
2 RM Aves
3 RC Lawrence
4 DL Hall
5 J Stevens
6 R Brown
7 JA Cornell
Stroke: RWJ Hall
Cox: PRW Thornely
Coach: PA Welton

Cantabrigian I:  Dark Blue & Silver

Bow: EJ Hardy
2 T Donachie
3 T Tweed
4 BS Hoyland
5 J Akielan
6 M Arnold
7 JFV Allin
Stroke: RE Davies
Cox: RK Heatley
Coaches: AF Flack, M Mottaz, H Jackson

Scouts I:  Green & Yellow

Bow: J Newman
2 D Manning
3 H Smart
4 G Langley
5 P Crisp
6 W Key
7 R Cook
Stroke: GA Dean
Cox: M Daisley
Coaches: K Gibbon (Downing), C Lester (King's)

'99 II: Light Blue, Old Gold, Green

Bow: C Wilcocks
2 B Elcocks
3 H Todd
4 A Peters
5 P Macmillan
6 M Cooke
7 J Jenner
Stroke: C Brown
Cox: R Humm
Coach: EW Brown ('99 RC)

Pye I:  Light Blue, Dark Blue, Old Gold

Bow: R Jones
2 J Fitzakerley
3 LS Singer
4 JS Tyrrell
5 CK Simmonds
6 AG Calton
7 GH Jackson
Stroke: JE Brooksbank
Cox: JG Morrill
Coach: J Brown (Pye BC)

Rob Roy II:   Maroon & White

Bow: C Bails
2 A Mason
3 G Dale
4 IWO Boundy
5 GF Brown
6 T Baker
7 G Mallion
Stroke: K Johnson
Cox: G Hale
Coach: TE Applin

ACUA I: Light Blue, Dark Blue & Gold

Bow: AP Hawkins
2 T Leeny
3 E Barton
4 G Brooks
5 P Sell
6 B Chandler
7 A Stott
Stroke: D Watson
Cox: BW Poulter
Coach: DE Elsden (ACUA BC)

'99 III:  Light Blue, Old Gold, Green

Bow: T Parker
2 R Fawcett
3 C Lawton
4 J Paul
5 H Mansell
6 C Brown
7 D St J Cormack
Stroke: A Jones
Cox: SC Willis
Coach: ---

City III:  Dark Blue, Claret & Old Gold

Bow: D Llewellyn Jones
2 WH Shaw
3 RA Howard
4 MJ Steen
5 BW Greenwood
6 RJ Howard
7 KL Thomas
Stroke: PJ Robinson
Cox: AJ Thompson
Coaches: D Jones (CCRC), GW Ward (CCRC)

Scouts II: Green & Yellow

Bow: D Crankshaw
2 S Dalton
3 D Hill
4 J Wraith
5 J Tatton-Brown
6 H Brown
7 R Jones
Stroke: C Cobb
Cox: J Campbell
Coaches: L Horspool, B Moss

The Leys School I:  Light Blue, Dark Blue & Red

Bow: NS Deutsch
2 WH Heaney
3 DH Rocyn-Jones
4 AC Steward
5 JP Harding
6 DL Cruttenden
7 EFB Davidson
Stroke: PA Graetz
Cox: MS Whimster
Coach: LGD Baker

Sunday, 26 March 2017

1964 Bumps Races Route Map

This map and information has been taken from the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association Programme for the Bumps Races held Tuesday 28 July 1964 to Friday 31 July 1964.

The centre pages of the programme had a map printed - and a page further back gives the rules of the Bumps race.

The map has additional information printed on it:
An Oarsmans service is held in Fen Ditton Church every year on the Sunday before the bump races - local name of the church - The Oarsmans Church. 
Ditton Paddock: From which an excellent view of the races may be obtained. 
No bicycles, except those of the officials and coaches, are allowed on the towpath during the races. LADIES are requested NOT to pass 1st Post Corner where crews will be receiving orders, changing their clothing etc.
For pictures and full reports of each day's racing in the "Bumps" see the "Cambridge News" 

The Bumps Rules: 

The course starts at Baitsbite. Crews start from posts which are 50 yards apart. Three guns are fired, with an interval of three minutes between the first and second, and one minute between second and third.
In Division I the first five boats finish at a post about 100 yards above Morley's Holt, the next five boats finish at the Railway Bridge and the rest at the beginning of the Glass Houses, but the 6th and 11th boats have the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.
In Division II, the first six boats finish at the Railway Bridge and the other boats finish at the beginning of the Glass Houses, but the 7th boat has the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.
In Division III the first four boats finish at the Railway Bridge, and the other boats finish at the beginning of the Glass Houses.  The 5th boat has the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.  

Route of the 1964 Bumps Races:

Cambridgeshire Rowing Association, 1964 Bumps

Going through old paperwork, this morning I found a booklet published by the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association - for the Bumping Races held over four days, 28, 29, 30, 31 July 1964.

My dad rowed in these races and had kept his programme.  Inside there was an outline printed drawing of a boat and crew - and alongside that the names of each rower had been added.

Inside the programme was a full list of all the teams who were to row - and all the members of those teams.

Dad was rowing for Pye II, in the Third Division.  The team colours were given as Light Blue, Dark Blue, Old Gold.

The race started at 6.45pm and the Pye II team were:

  • Bow: WHM Gough
  • 2: EJ Wills
  • 3: P Matthews
  • 4: BD Cox
  • 5: G Wehbeh
  • 6: J Plautus
  • 7: M Allen
  • Stroke: CF Hibbs*
  • Cox: J Railton
  • Coach: ELD Goodwin

I wonder if anybody had a photo of the team that year - all I've got is their names scribbled in the programme.