This map and information has been taken from the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association Programme for the Bumps Races held Tuesday 28 July 1964 to Friday 31 July 1964.
The centre pages of the programme had a map printed - and a page further back gives the rules of the Bumps race.
The map has additional information printed on it:
An Oarsmans service is held in Fen Ditton Church every year on the Sunday before the bump races - local name of the church - The Oarsmans Church.
Ditton Paddock: From which an excellent view of the races may be obtained.
No bicycles, except those of the officials and coaches, are allowed on the towpath during the races. LADIES are requested NOT to pass 1st Post Corner where crews will be receiving orders, changing their clothing etc.
For pictures and full reports of each day's racing in the "Bumps" see the "Cambridge News"
The Bumps Rules:
The course starts at Baitsbite. Crews start from posts which are 50 yards apart. Three guns are fired, with an interval of three minutes between the first and second, and one minute between second and third.
In Division I the first five boats finish at a post about 100 yards above Morley's Holt, the next five boats finish at the Railway Bridge and the rest at the beginning of the Glass Houses, but the 6th and 11th boats have the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.
In Division II, the first six boats finish at the Railway Bridge and the other boats finish at the beginning of the Glass Houses, but the 7th boat has the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.
In Division III the first four boats finish at the Railway Bridge, and the other boats finish at the beginning of the Glass Houses. The 5th boat has the option of rowing the extra distance to make their bump.
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