Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Harriett Pogson 1846-1929

Harriett Pogson appeared on my tree when she married William Stokes in 1868.  I've no idea who she was, so did a bit of research to try to work out Harriett's story.  With a family tree it gets so large, so quickly, it's difficult to 100% ascertain you've put the right parts together.  Over the years, though, you do get the chance to improve and prove aspects.  But you have to start somewhere.  So, below is what I THINK might be Harriett's journey:

I can't find where she was born.  Censuses indicate some options.  The 1891 Census says she was born in Nettleham, Norfolk. The LDS website has a baptism at Nettleham on 23 April 1846, with parents  Prestwood Pogson and Elizabeth Pogson.  That would match.  I make no excuses for my "lack of proof" as the family tree is huge and nobody's got the budget to double check everybody on them!  In my case, Harriett would be the wife of my GG-grandmother's younger brother!  That tree has, currently, 820 people on it!  And I have 2-3 spin off trees too.

FreeREG contains no relevant records for a Harriett Pogson in Cambridgeshire or Lincolnshire.
FreeBMD has a marriage of a Harriett Pogson in the Caxton District of Cambridgeshire, which is the registration district where her husband was from, so what was she doing over there in Cambridgeshire?  There could be 101 reasons!  Maybe her whole family moved, or maybe William and Harriett eloped.  In fact, this is a red herring and it's somebody with the same name!  For now, though, I'm content that the William and Harriett from the 1891 Census have their birthplaces matched back to baptisms on FreeREG and the LDS website.

In 1851 Harriet Pogson is still in the Nettleham district - with her mother and six siblings.  She is aged just 5.  Her mother, Elizabeth Pogson, is showing in the Census as married and receiving parish relief, there is no sign of her father on the Census, but this individual isn't a priority for me, so I've pushed no further into that tree.  It's possible there's a typo in the baptism transcription and I have the wrong name for him.  A quick check of FreeBMD shows that a Prestwood Pogson married in 1838 in Lincoln Registration District, so that indicates to me that this unusual name does exist at least. A quick search of Censuses, without going into detail, doesn't show him until 1881, when he's again/still in Nettleham.

In 1861 Harriett is aged 14 and an unmarried domestic servant/employee in the household of  William Roe, a farmer with 22 acres at  North Hykeham, Lincolnshire in the Nettleham district. They have a 10 month old son, so maybe she's been brought in to help with childminding and general household chores as well as a little light farmwork.

At some point Harriett married William Stokes of Caldecote.  This would appear to occur in the Gainsborough Registration District in the 3rd quarter of 1868.
After this Harriet appears to have had a long life in Lincolnshire with William Stokes, having children and finally dying in 1929 in Scotter, Lincolnshire.

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