Friday, 13 November 2015

Publish the Family Tree Online or Not?

While I've nothing against publishing the family tree online, the trouble is there's a lot of bad information out there. Stuff that's simply wrong.  And, to be fair, I can see why - and I am in this position too.

While everything I have "seems to tie up" and I can find evidences that I am correct from online sources, using all the free genealogy websites as well as Ancestry and FindMyPast, among others - it's simply not possible, for a tree the size of mine, to be true and accurate beyond my immediate family.

There are many records missing and if I simply rely on an entry in FreeBMD that "looks right", I could be wrong.  It'd cost, say, £10 per piece of evidence to double check, making it unaffordable for all except the determined researcher to achieve.

I realise that there is more information in the certificates, more clues, but it's not possible to do that - where do you stop?

So, instead of publishing a tree online I've put together these random posts from the tree, of what I believe could be the life story of people.  It might be the clue somebody else needs to fill a gap in their tree.  Sometimes you just need a clue, a lead, a bit more information to research, before coming up with your own solutions!

I'd rather apologise for not publishing a tree, than apologise for publishing one that's wrong.

I'm running 4-6 active family trees, as I've split some people and families out to try to keep it more manageable, but it just keeps growing!

So, the lesson to learn online is that while a lot of the information you might find online is spot on, there are times when you'll simply be lead up a garden path and be wrong.

If you find something where I've gone wrong, I'd love to hear from you.  I can 'justify' where I got the information from and why I came to a conclusion, but I can't beat you down by waving certificates about, as I don't have them :)

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